What an unforgettable night! I was surrounded by family and friends from practically every chapter of my life, and we celebrated together.
Book sales and signing went extraordinarily well - managed by two trusty book club friends and some very assertive granddaughters...! Guests left with books to read and books to give as gifts. Thank you all.
My daughters Carrie and Laura opened the program recognizing the opportunities women have today - thanks to the sacrifices made a century ago. I am so proud of my family and their accomplishments, particularly my daughters and stepdaughters. They set a strong example for my granddaughters. The world is truly in the palm of those tender hands.
The program focused on the history of the very early 1900s, both general and specific to medicine, immigration, and reproductive (non) rights for women. It's a period we should never repeat.
I am available for public events and private book clubs for those who would like to introduce In the Hands of Women to their communities.
Thank you, one and all, for your enthusiastic support!