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New Year, New Novel

Writer's picture: Jane RubinJane Rubin

The release date of Over There is May 27, 2025! On the coattails of the success of Threadbare and In the Hands of Women, Book Three of the trilogy continues the story of the Isaacson family, taking them into the First World War. With three physicians and one nurse in the family, they cannot avoid the irresistible pull to serve in the Medical Corps, caring for wounded American soldiers in Belgium and France. But none of them was fully prepared for the breadth of their emotions, new expanses of their medical abilities, and the indelible impact war would have on their families.

Researching the war years was a daunting task. With little knowledge of that time period, my research was extensive, first broad, then finally narrowing down to the hospitals, medical innovations, and weaponry.

But most of all, immersing my characters in war drew every imaginable emotion from me. As humans, we look away from horror, only able to process glimpses. Although it is incomprehensible man could unleash such ugly hatred, it remains a significant part of our human tapestry, tracing back to the beginning of our time. But I also found when dusting off the ashes and debris, that acts of human kindness were everywhere, restoring my faith in the basic goodness of people.

I am excited to see my next cover, and will share it in the next newsletter. In the meantime, I'm planning an exciting launch and other events. Please send a note to me if you'd like to book your venue or club, and we’ll get it on the calendar.

Here're some of my jacket blurbs for Over There!

I am in awe of Jane’s courage, on and off the page. What a privilege to spend time in the world she has created in Over There. - Bess Kalb, Emmy-nominated comedy writer and the bestselling author of NOBODY WILL TELL YOU THIS BUT ME, a New York Times Editor’s Choice.

Bravery and daring, compassion and patriotism are the forces that push and pull Jane Loeb Rubin’s latest historical page-turner OVER THERE and tug at the heartstrings. It is a captivating tale of four medical professionals who join the American Hospital Corps and American Red Cross during WWI. Gut-wrenching and heroic, Rubin's rich characters draw you into a world where duty calls, love waits, and surgeons, medics, and nurses are the true heroes forced to redefine their lives while saving others. The price tag of war is devastating and heartbreaking – but in the end, Rubin’s evocative tale proves that love ultimately wins. – Lisa Barr, New York Times bestselling author of THE GODDESS OF WARSAW

Jane Rubin has truly captured the horror of war and the dedication and selflessness of the medical personnel who also sacrificed so much to care for the troops wounded in battle. With superb writing, she weaves a complex story of World War 1, through the eyes of four members of a family of extraordinary people.  - Harriette Sackler, Agatha-Nominated Short Story Writer

A meticulously researched novel immersing the reader into the indelible impact of war on the soldiers and medical personnel in the war zone, as well as the families at home. In this emotional, engaging story, set during WWI, we follow the characters Rubin brought us in the first two books of her Gilded City Series. Read this evocative novel as a stand-alone but be prepared – you’ll be anxious to read the whole series. - Linda Rosen, best-selling author of THE EMERALD NECKLACE.


In the meantime, I have a busy winter and spring calendar of wonderful audiences for discussions of Threadbare and In the Hands of Women.

Stay warm and healthy!

XO - Jane


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Amy Pollack
Feb 02
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Jane this is - once again - such a remarkable and impressive achievement……..I am in awe of you my friend👏👏👏👍🌟

Feb 02
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Thank you Amy - safe travels!




Feb 01
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

You are such an amazing inspiration!!! I'm so honored to be your friend!

Feb 02
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Thank you!


Jane Loeb Rubin

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